Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Visits from South Africa and North United Kingdom

One of the little pleasure I have and try to share is every morning I go to Google analytics and I can see which states and countries have visited, which towns, how many pages they visited and for how long. Don't worry, social security numbers and blood types are left out!

In the last several days we have had visits from Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Israel, Malta, Greece, and more. Last night was really interesting (OK, to a geography geek like me) as visitors came from South Africa and the northernmost tip of the British Isles. That's cool. I mean, how much further apart can we get. I cannot post ads on Craigslist for Antarctica and the North Pole, and that's about the only things further apart!

I know about our northern visitor because of the nice e-mail from a woman calling herself 'GirlOnARock', and she said we can add the Shetland Isles to the list of countries visiting. Not technically a country she explains, but hey, it probably once was. I guess I romantically envision her in the window, monitor glowing on her face as the northern winds blow outside and waves crash on rocky beaches. Google the Shetland Isles and check it out, they lie about 600 miles north of London and look very remote, relaxed, the kind of place to escape and write that novel. I have added a link to the "GirlOnARock' blog, just click here or on the link under Five Red Dice Friends in the right sidebar. If you are like me, a frazzled, stuck in traffic, abhor Wal-Mart person, her posts of life on the Isle will leave you... wanting.

Thanks for the kind words 'GirlOnARock, and I have posted a picture of a coastline in your Isles below for everyone to enjoy.

Alan Mizell
Houston, Texas USA

P.S. Only a few days left to vote in the 'Last State To Visit' poll. Seems we are having trouble reaching the outlying areas of North Dakota, Vermont, Delaware, and Rhode Island.


girlonarock said...

wow thankyou for mentioning my little island..and a great picture of the viking settlement too (incidently that was only discovered after a storm when the sea washed away half of a beach!) your vision of me is pretty close! yes, i spend most day staring out at the sea, oh and trying not to get blown over by the strong winds.
Although i'm many miles away, i've been lucky enough to visit Houston! i stayed in Katy with relatives many many years ago..all those cowboys!! i loved it! best wishes

Anonymous said...

North Dakota here!!!

A Boy And His Dog

A Boy And His Dog
No, I will not trade Trixi ! ! !