Friday, July 11, 2008

Another Talented Artist You Should Visit

I just returned from the blog of artist Heather Brown Truman, Bad! Kitty Art Studio Very nice, I love her work and hope you will also visit her site. She has visited the Five Red Dice site, and is one of our friends with a link on her site and the following write-up this morning...

"I came across a blog called Five Red Dice. It’s this guy named Alan Mizell, he lives in Austin TX and he had these red dice and started trading them to see what he could turn them into. It’s a fun read, a fun project and I don’t want to give too much away, but you should check it out, maybe you have something to trade for what he has now, which is pretty cool and a total upgrade from the dice. Just go look, like I said I don’t want to give away the surprise, it’s fun."

Thanks Heather, appreciate the appreciation!

Alan Mizell
Houston, Texas USA

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A Boy And His Dog

A Boy And His Dog
No, I will not trade Trixi ! ! !