We have reached 100 members on the official Five Red Dice World Headquarters E-mail List, and are preparing for the first drawing for the FREE Five Red Dice T-Shirt! The drawing shall be held Wednesday evening with the results broadcast live on FRD-TV meaning on this blog!

The results should be posted at aprroximately 9 P.M. Central Time, so check it out that night.

Also we received an offer this afternoon of a 'Baby Steps' Infant Walker. Cute, but, um, let me just think about that one...

The poll finished and 69% of you agree with my initial thought, that I should wait until I feel a trade is 'right', rather than sticking to some false schedule or taking a trade I am unsure of.
Thanks for all the help and spreading the word, and good luck in the drawing. Let's head for 200 now!
Alan Mizell
Houston, Texas USA
Are you normal????????????????
Probably not, and thankful for it. Normal is so... dull, so... Ryan.
Hope I win a shirt!
I'm loving this site!
Great idea!!
My dad led me to your website and I really love the concept!!
Hey sorry i misstyped my email address. Hey my wife told me to look
on the site- she is the lady that sent in the offer of "smelly Bears"
I was so hoping that you would take those Damn bears :) Oh well- I can
understand they don't hold a match to an anorexic baywatch beauty
'Smelly Bears' as a name = marketing issues!
Hey my sister told me about this site- its fun, thanks for doing
this...something that I will follow :)
cool blog..
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