Today's mail bought a thought from an upset Pamela fan in Austin, Joseph Fly. I hope Joseph's letter is more disturbed than Joseph! He writes...
There are alot of injustices in this ' Ol' Cruel World' but this Pamala thing has got to be one of the worst i have witnessed. Just this year i was channel surfing and happened across an old episode of BayWatch. The waves of nastalgia damn near brought me to tears. She saved alot of lives you know, i mean people that had nothing else to live for but Pam-watch. I hope KidRock doesnt get wind of this he may just bring his guns-to-H-town. Matter of fact i may notifey him myself. She is serious business 'bub' and alot of other hard-on 'Whakos' like myself may not find your cruelty humorous. By the way could i make a cash offer at this time, for the hag, just to stop the bloodshed, before this thing gets out of hand?
Buzzfly in Austin
Well, now, let me gather my thoughts.
A cash offer would confuse the trading. Cash is worth exactly what it is worth, making it difficult to trade up. On the other hand, what size cash offer are we saying? Most people have trouble with the true value of an original work of art, that is why 90% of the offers could not be accepted.
Also, is this letter in jest? I am presuming, but "the hag" cuts to the quick and causes the required stack of cash to double, perhaps triple in size.
In addition, I am fearful that Joseph Fly and a few others miss the context of Pamela that is not readily apparent. She is not some cartoon. Her skeletal form and bright colors actually mock the culture of consumerism we live in. Her light-hearted style is a biting commentary on entertainment. Pamela might have acted on Broadway, but there is more fame and money in catering to the shallow pool of the masses. Skeletal in nature, Pamela reminds us all of the transience of beauty, that we shall all one day be skeletons. Dead. Even Joseph Fly. Even Kid Rock.
For that reason not only the trade offer but the person must be worthy.
On another note, Rhode Island is aboard. We all have been so totally wrong on all the polls. Remember when we all though North Dakota would be the last. Wrong! State after state fell, and we were wrong all along. We guessed Rhode Island 4-1 against Vermont. We forgot what slave driving tyrants Ben and Jerry can be I suppose.
On the brighter side of being wrong, perhaps you were all wrong about your souls burning in Hell, so feel free to start sinning again!
Alan Mizell
Houston, TX USA
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A Boy And His Dog
No, I will not trade Trixi ! ! !
Antique playing cards?
I have several sets only willing to trade one set.but some of these are well over 100 years old, I have another one that features Hollywood movie stars from the golden age.
A 1990 Fleer Barry Bonds baseball card. He looks so skinny....
Yeah, you are right, I saw the card online, he's almost as skinny as Pamela.
I've entered you in the FREE Five Red Dice T-Shirt contest so good luck.
How about some other art?
Well, I am not averse to any trade offer but would prefer something other than art for two reasons. One... just to change the tone and style a bit, jumble things up! Two... many people fail to realize that the Pamela art sells for several hundred dollars and I am wanting to trade, hopefully, up, so...
On the other hand I would love pix and a description cause ya never know.
Alan Mizell
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