Yeah, sure, finally Rhode Island signed on and even Lithuania, and then a report listed Maldives. Where in the world? For those of you in the dark as I the Maldives are islands south of India, and are so beautiful they stop my heart!
Maldives Island ResortYes, the resort sits right over the water, the bluest, clearest water on Earth I believe. Would you have ever guessed south of India? Wow, folks- this is so not Galveston!
Maldives Cabana. Reserve Me One Cabana For August And September, For Life.
Hope you like these pix as much as I. Other than a visitor from the Maldives knows about the Five Reed Dice project, there is no connection, but how many chances do I get to post something this beautiful? Pamela is pretty but damn, not this pretty!
Boats Seem To Float In Space In Maldives
It is unfortunate that the visitor from Maldives made no offer, specifically airfare and
accommodations as I would personally have delivered Pamela. For those of you who want to know more about where the islands are
click here.
I am adding a new poll in the next few moments as to whether and when to trade. I would just like to see what visitors think, should I trade for a few of the things that have caught my eye or wait for the thing I know in my heart is it! Let me know.
In the new trade offers departments Juan from Tarkington and/or Cleveland, TX (Which is it Juan?) offered a 1990 Fleer Barry Bonds baseball card, commenting on how thin Barry appeared.
Barry Bonds Looking Thin As Skeleton Pamela Anderson
That's a cool offer but I can buy them online for about ten dollars, so maybe not in the Pamela range, but much appreciated.
"Thrill" of Houston, TX made an offer of antique playing cards, but has yet to send actual photos. This photo is typical of the item, and I do find them very interesting. Hey, "Thrill", thrill me with some pix, OK!
Interesting And Unique Antique Playing Cards
And then of course our friend Buzz in Austin, TX sent a non-specific and vaguely threatening offer of cash. I am still waiting for the amount. If the offer is large enough to cover winter in The Republic of the Maldives, we have a deal!
Cash, Cash, Cash, The Carrot Always Dangled
Something I failed to post at an earlier date was how I shipped the Five Red Dice to Kathy Jo Braceland in California. It's reason enough to make a trade offer. Not wanting some drab package to arrive like a business transaction, I wrapped the Five Red Dice in beautiful paper with silvery trimmings, kind of a Christmas In July surprise. Just thought I would share a little behind the scenes detail from here at World Headquarters.
Christmas In July From Five Red Dice World Headquarters
Everybody has been great about helping to spread the word and it's almost to the point where we will draw for the winner of the FREE Five Red Dice T-Shirt. We are at 85 members and will draw at 100! Remember, if you are in the list you are enrolled in every drawing, every time we get 100 new members.
Just a note that the counter on the page has tripped well past 2,615 visitors. My next goal is 10,000! Please help spread the word and maybe I can trade up to a car, a house, a space station! Thanks again everybody from over 50 countries, especially the Maldives, and 49 states, and Vermont, as soon as you are finished churning up that last tub of Ben and Jerry's join Lithuania and the other cool kids at Five Red Dice!
Alan Mizell
The Five Red Dice Store
OomBa Mail- I got a FREE Nudist Park T-Shirt for being so hairy! Maybe I'll give it to the 100Th member at my bizarre mail page!
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