Charles McCarthy of Atlanta, GA offered another of his fascinating art pieces for Pamela. I surely would consider a trade for his art as I like it but I really do not want to trade for more art. I am afraid that the Five Red Dice project would begin to be pigeon-holed as an 'ART' trading project, rather than just trading. Some folks have had a bit of trouble in the past, thinking it was just art that could be offered.

Very unique, and a bit bizarre, this art is right up my alley. The piece below is also by Charles, and I looked for quite a while before I saw the woman had the head of a bird. Or does she? Charles also runs a great blog called
'Ideas by Chuck', and I highly
recommend you read it. It's kind
of a forum for his ideas for new products, businesses, etc. I liken it to an online bull session or one man think tank. I subscribed so when he posts a new idea I get it in the

Another offer to come in this week was for one of those rocks painted like an animal, similar to the cat below. She did not supply a photo which makes it hard to consider, but I am always interested. Was it a cat? I hope so because it rests in her
rocking chair she revealed. Cool, my perfect pet; zero maintenance. Send a pic
Ma'am, maybe it's my dream pet rock!

In the biggest Five Red Dice mystery category would be the "Mystery" bag offered by Denise in Sterling Heights, Michigan. She promised future clues and my inability to resist trading for this fabulous mystery. Then she went on vacation promising me and the readers future clues, yet none have come in and my
emails go unanswered. Must have been one heck of a vacation romance she had or something.
Sterling Heights, MI shows up a lot on the feed, so I am wondering if Denise sees this. Out with some more clues girl!!!

Also Mr. Mesa, Arizona has failed to deliver details or photos on the GIANT chess board that intrigued me, so I have to officially pass as enthusiasm for the project is one component of the decision making project.

Remember, if you want to see all of the offers that have come in for Pamela go to
All Offers For Pamela and check them out. There's quite a few, but don't let that make you not trade as your offer could be the one that makes me say YES!
Alan Mizell
Houston, Texas USA
i cant believe you're still holding on to pammie!!! ok, its time for me to have a hunt around (i'll be making an offer later today) and thanks for visiting my blog again, i;ve just updated it with more news and photos from my drum camp!
I REALLY wanna offer something really good but I don't like the idea of getting skele-Pam in exchange for it. I was interested in some of the trade offers though. No offense, she's just not my cup of tea. I'm going to keep checking back until she's traded for something else.
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