A solid offer came in today that I must refuse, though the thought was nice- a coupon for a FREE iced coffee at Starbucks so I don't burn my lips.
Hmmm, is that so I can kiss Pamela.
She's a drawing lady, it's just humor! I must be confusing people though as a second person e-mailed me to ask if I "really" had a date with Pamela Anderson! If only... Anyway, a coupon for a cup of Joe is too little, too soon. Good try!

Pamela has been working out in the gym a lot, but I cannot see one tiny bit of muscle tone improvement, but I sure can lie and tell her it's looking great!

Other than that it has been a slow week here at Five Red Dice headquarters. The most exciting news is that Pamela is looking for employment! If anyone knows of a good position in the Houston area for a girl with lots of experience looking cute, or something requiring marginal acting abilities, call. Perhaps even
relationship counseling- lots of experience here...

So thanks everybody, we are at 78 members so only 22 to go and I will draw for the FREE Five Red Dice T-Shirt, so spread the word to all your friends, family, and the strange guy at work that mumbles a lot.
Alan Mizell
Houston, TX U.S.A.
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