"less than half of a used 150ml bottle of Lea & PerrinsWorcestershire Sauce (for the non brits its pronounced 'wustershire',thought i'd best mention that in case you try and say it and make a fool ofyourself!! it is delicious on cheese and toast and i always shake it on my bakedbeans..yum!"
Hmmm, used sauce?
Maybe I would have considered the trade Marcia but I had just walked in from the market with four bottles of sauce myself! And that should last about 30-40 years around here.

Something other than 'used sauce'!
We have had several new countries check us out including such unlikely spots as Iran and Uganda. That's pretty cool. You can see who visits by clicking on the Feedjit link in the sidebar and the SiteMeter link at the bottom of the page. It's pretty interesting to watch when things are rolling.
Well, off to scrub a bit more.
Alan Mizell
Houston, TX
Followed a link from Cleveland's Craig's List. Nominated
you for Best of Craig's List. This is kind of like geocaching, but I
don't have to risk getting poison ivy. Maybe you should call it
technocaching? netcaching?
4 bottles! what on earth are you doing with it? maybe you shouldn't answer that one!
ha ha! well i'm pretty pleased you've passed my offer as it is now less than half of a bottle (i even used it today!)
i'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the perfect item will be offered this week.
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