Good evening,
But it's not evening for Fabian and Sasha, the latest folks to join in and offer up a trade. Fabian moved to Shanghai, China two months ago and when I read his last e-mail it was noon here in Houston, TX, but they were getting ready for bed. Now that it is nine hours later I suppose they are waking, eating breakfast, checking the Five Red Dice blog site!
Fabian has offered to trade a pencil- now don't get me wrong, not just any pencil- this pencil is from the Shanghai IKEA furniture store. Wow, Fabian and I are on different sides of the planet but we thankfully both have IKEA furniture stores right down the road.
Seems Fabian, and I quote, "accidentally brought it home". Well I will make no assumptions. Later I received another e-mail and Fabian has sweetened the deal even more with one of those little things you plug into your Crocs shoes. This one looks like, and again I quote, "a spongebob on crack", and I think I have to agree. Just makes it all the more cool.
If you want to see a really neat online slide show with several photos of Fabian and Sasha, the items up for trade, and some very cool shots of the city of Shanghai, go to the right under 'Cool Links' and click on Photobucket/FiveRedDice/Fabian. It's worth a look.
Thanks Fabian and Sasha, for the great trade, photos and e-mails.
I have a friend who can get me 'buddy passes' and I flew to Florida and Oklahoma for only about $100.00. Thought I would see how much to get to Shanghai. Yikes- even a buddy pass runs over $800.00. Probably have to be grateful for IKEA and FedEx!
Be sure to check back soon. I will be adding a poll for everyone to vote for their favorite item to trade the dice for. Should be interesting to see what the people think.
Alan Mizell
Houston, Texas USA
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