First there was a picture of the stapler, Post-It notes, and Liquid Paper...
Also, I had the first offer to trade internationally come in last night. Check back tonight for several exciting posts-
I will reveal the first international offer to trade!
There will be a poll to vote on what you think is the best trade to make. I will keep it up for about a week, then I will trade. Probably.
Also, I will post a short guide to making the Five Red Dice blog more popular- several simple steps you can take to help spread the word, and ensure a statue of yourself in the Five Red Dice Hall of Heroes.
Alan Mizell
Houston, TX

This would be a great trade.
I agree. Seems the poll going on indicates the IKEA pencil but I think it's the pictures link that makes them say that. The idea might be to trade "UP" so the office supplies might be a better trade.
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