Author Debra Di
Blasi took the plunge and has offered a signed copy of her latest book "The
Jiri Chronicles and Other Fictions", published in 2007 by
FC2/University of Alabama Press. Signed not just by Ms. Di
Blasi but also by
Jiri along with, in Debra's words...
"an original note from Jiri pleading to be rescued from the "CIA Secret Torture Center Somewhere in Eastern Europe" on CIA-STCSEE letterhead. Priceless!" Debra also is throwing in a set of Jiri's "celebrity odors, Hung and Pe". 
Debra is obviously very creative, her novels have received excellent reviews- check her out at
Her Website! and her
Production Website She obviously is cutting edge as this is the first offer for Pamela I have had wanting to trade her for an odor! You must visit the site and check out the description of these real colognes- very funny, yet strangely alluring...

Alan Mizell
Houston, TX USA
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