Later in the day an offer rolled in from no less than Tim Soldan, the sales and marketing director for the famous "Legends in Concert" shows in Las Vegas, Branson, and other cities around the country. His offer is for a case of a dozen packs of playing cards that have been used in the Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Tim must have known that I am a bit of a magic buff, tempting me with these cool cards!

But the day had not ended and another interesting item came in- a Haunted Snow Globe! Luis Castillo of Missouri City, Texas, right down the street in Five Red Dice Worldwide terms sent the photo of this beautiful glass snow globe that sits on a Mahogany base. It was given to him by his friend Bob who passed away last year. Even though Luis has cleaned the snow globe several times, he occasionally smells the cigars Bob smoked. Hmmm. Not being a cigar aficionado, I believe those smelly things might just linger from the afterlife...

So all in all a great day. Hope you are all enjoying the updates and watching the trade offers come in. By the way, the Fourth of July really fouled up progress here. The Postal Service website was unclear as to the question of whether the dice have reached Kathy, the site updates at night. On this end you should know I rent an apartment until someone trades me that French Chateau or Colorado cabin here, and Pamela arrived. Their was the slip in the box. It said "Pamela is here. Locked in the office. Which is closed tomorrow for the holiday!" Thankfully there were all these wonderful people with their letters and trade offers to cheer me up.
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