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Would You Trade Your Soul For...
Thinking about trading all week got me to thinking about all those stories and movies where the devil wants to trade something cool, like rock and roll fame, for someone's soul. Of course it always turns out badly. Like Brendan Fraser in 'Bedazzled'- he becomes a famous author by trading his soul, a GAY famous author. That was not in his plans. There always seems to be someone who wants to live forever in these stories, and all their friends and family die and they get older looking and older looking.... Great stuff. Long ago 'The National Enquirer" posted an employee on the sidewalk with a small table full of contracts offering passers-by the opportunity for a quick $20.00 to sell their soul. Some astoundingly small percentage took the cash but most refused the chance. Would you? So off to the right sidebar you will find a poll with a list of temptingly huge offerings for that wispy ether, perhaps even just a figment of the imagination, that inner shine some call the soul. Would you? It's totally anonymous and will be interesting to see how many would and how many will not. PLEASE, feel free to comment, anonymously if you wish, by clicking on the comments tab below. Perhaps you need a write-in vote as your own personal temptation is not listed... 
Alan Mizell
Houston , Texas USA
Hmmm, some offers are tempting but I must admit that I already possess a couple of things in your list. At one time I might have quickly jumped at being a famous rock star or well known celebrity. But these days I realize that no matter what happens I still have myself no matter what else changes. I do not know what GOD has in store for me but he has shown me many times that he has been with me many times in this journey we call life.
The eyes are the window to your soul, are you ready to draw the curtains?
Don't get too serious on me here Anonymous, it's just a poll for fun. It's not like I have a blog that offers to actually buy your soul... Hmmmm....
Too funny Alan.... You should be writing a column!
My best,
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