Whew! I think I literally breathed a sigh of relief. For anyone wondering what my thought process was behind the trade, I will explain. I had no idea what offers might come through the site, but I had a few guidelines that I was looking for. The entire concept was to 'trade up' and continue to do so, seeing exactly how grand the future trades might become. Also, I wanted both traders to feel that they are benefiting from the trade. It seems to me this trade works well for both Kathy and I. Kathy's work is awesome and unique, and I believe owning it will help this adventure grow in scope. I will only trade the work for something worthy, and only to a person who appreciates the art. In addition, Kathy is a working artist, and the growth of this site can only generate interest in her work. Visit her site tonight at http://www.k-jostudio.com/ and check out her vibrant paintings. So it's a classic win-win situation. Also, Kathy understands the site, and supplied plenty of material to make Five Red Dice a more interesting place to visit, in addition to helping promote this venture. All in all, this trade just excelled against some stiff competition. Congratulations Kathy!
Out of the eleven offers, six had no photographs and it is really hard to become enthusiastic without some visual stimulation.
Out of the eleven offers, six had no photographs and it is really hard to become enthusiastic without some visual stimulation.
Tracie's stapler and office supplies did appeal to me, and they were local. They also received a good number of votes in the poll. But in the end it fell victim to other more glamorous offerings, and also seemed a bit of a sideways trade rather than trading up.
It was very difficult to not accept the IKEA pencil and Spongebob Squarepants Crocs shoe insert because Fabian really has that ironic sense of humor that I like, and the exotic location of Shanghai, China is totally cool, and he had a great series of photos. Fabian gets it, as they say. But in the end the offering was a bit too slim as these are high quality, expensive dice, and again, it is hard to see it as an even or upward trade.
Barely missing the nod was Erin's Remington Shaver. It has good value, it's brand new and still in the package, and Erin has traded online before and understands the big picture here. But in the end a shaver is a sedan and the artwork is a sports car . We'll see in time if my choice of flash over practicality was the right one.
Most difficult to not choose was Mary's offer to walk a mile. If you remember Mary, she has Multiple Sclerosis, and is beating the odds with her incredible outlook on life. She is inspiring, the idea received votes, I even heard that a friend of a friend of mine was going to offer something, but changed her mind to give Mary's offer a better chance. In the end though, one of the concepts of the experiment is to see how far this little adventure will go, how big the snowball will become. Trading for something as intangible as a walk for the Five Red Dice leaves the concept at a standstill, so I have to, as gracefully as possible, decline the offer.
I do have an alternate offer for such a noble idea though, one that will allow the trading to continue at Five Red Dice, yet still pay tribute to the great offer of the walk, and a twist that will make it seem like a hundred mile walk. Here's the idea...
I have an additional two red dice, one millimeter larger than the five dice, and they are branded from the Grand Casino Coushatta in Louisiana. Since two dice are only 40% of five dice, I will give these dice to Mary for a walk of only 40% of a mile, or 2,112 feet. If she accepts, I will set up a fund on the website of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, with seed money of $25.00, and I will put a link on Five Red Dice for the length of the project with a challenge to visitors to contribute. Almost 900 visitors in less than two weeks folks, and growing. Over the course of time if 1,000 people donate $10.00 each, well, you do the math!
So again, thanks to each and every person that took a look, and especially to those who participated in the first round of trading. Don't forget, this is not the end, this is the beginning of hopefully an ever more astonishing and amusing project.
Alan Mizell
Houston, TX USA

Hi Alan,
I'm completely jazzed!!! And of course...deeply honoured!! I humbly and gladly accept. Thanks for the great plugs too...wow! My head is swelling....
I did look at your new website and I must say, I think you've got a great thing going here. I love the levity and "unseriousness" of your ambitious endeavor. I shall change your link on my website to your official website tomorrow. I would do it tonight but I'm all flustered and excited with my success of winning the trade for your Five Red Dice.
Thanks again Alan...this is fun! Oh yeah...also, send me your mailing address so I can send you Pamela.
All the best,
P.S. Yeah...I know...my dog's eyes...I thought so... He's so bloody cute!
Good job on the trade by the way, when I saw the photos I knew that was where you would go with it.... just seemed to be the type of thing you are into. I will still be watching this to see where these trades go from here.
what else are you going to trade? why don't you let the winner trade something and so on and so on...
That is so funny that you ask because several people have asked or presumed it was a one trade thing. I am going to trade the painting for something better. It's cool, I like it a lot, but the idea the entire time was to keep trading until I get something I REALLY want, like a cabin in the woods or a country farmhouse or world domination.
So keep your eyes on the site, as I will be e-mailing some exciting announcements and the painting will be the next item, sadly a bit, to go up on the block.
Alan Mizell
This has been so fun! Keep us posted!
Hi Alan,
Nice little art project. So, can we continue it? Can we set up a
site to have Kathy Jo offer to trade the dice, and then set up sites
for whoever she trades with as well as a site for whomever trades with
you for Kathy Jo's Pam Anderson piece?
Can you make a template that all eventual members of the trading
group have matching sites? Could you make some sort of readable
database that would summarize and link to all the sites?
I'm an artist from Italy, but I'm a Californian by birth. I'll
try to trade in interestingly for the Pamela piece once you put it up
for trading.
Ciao Alan,
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