Every day more and more interesting things come in the mail from people around the world. Comments, ideas, insults, and today the most unique trade yet, a bit of inspiration, and an original poem...
I like Red Dice
I do indeed
I want your dice
Though there's no need
If they were blue or green
I'd pass
Or maybe write back
And laugh
But they are red
And hard and square
With inward bumps
I am aware
So this is what I'll do
To get those five red dice from you
I'll walk a mile
With a smile
I'll walk from here to there
I'll do it while I wear
A great big smile
And all the while
I'll dream of five red dice
And how life will be so nice
If everyone would walk a mile
Just to share a great big smile
That is what I'll do for you
That is what I'll do for them
Those five red dice
That you might send
The poem comes from Mary (with her husband in the above picture) of
Eldorado Hills, California, and yes, I also was wondering... she wants to trade my sexy dice for a walk? As Paul Harvey says... here's the
rest of the story. Mary was diagnosed several years ago with Multiple Sclerosis, so every step she takes is wonderful. She has not suffered the normal progression of MS though, much to her doctor's astonishment, and due greatly to her positive attitude. As she says, she is "walking proof" of the power of a positive outlook!
Now the question is, how to consider this trade? The idea of the project is to continue trading with an upward trend, to trade up. If I were to accept the trade of Five Red Dice for a walk of a Miracle Mile, how to continue.
Hmmm. A bit of a puzzle, perhaps even a moral question. To continue in the crass quest to trade up or to pay deserved homage to something awesome. I am looking for ideas here, comments, answers. Help me out folks. Also, I am putting up yet another poll on the subject right off to the right. You know what to do.
By the way, the neat statue in Mary's hand is a 1930's sculpture by Dr. Seuss called 'Kangaroo Bird'. Beautiful, and as Mary surely agrees, when it comes to medicine, you cannot beat Dr. Seuss!
Mary and her husband own an art gallery in
Eldorado Hills and you can visit their website at
http://www.ourhousegallery.com/ or click on the 'Cool Link'.
Thanks Mary, and please, everybody spread the story!
And last, here are those feet, in the cool green grass, ready to walk a mile that some say should be impossible.