Yippee, Pamela arrived into my clutches today. What a long and arduous journey the poor lady has had. She arrived on Thursday, but I live in an apartment and she was locked away in the office until I could rescue her today. She had a bit of a rough ride though and some gorilla of the U.S.P.S. squeezed my Pamela and she busted her glass. She seems to be just fine though, there are two tiny marks, almost invisible. Well, the way I see it, when Kathy Jo Braceland is famous, the provenance of the artwork will include an interesting anecdote of her travels in tight quarters and the rough ride she had!

I know the potential problems of shipping. I used to make a living selling books online, and shipped thousands of books each year. One man wrote me angrily that his book wrapping had come loose, exposing his book to the entire office, causing him a bit of grief. Of all the books to have that happen, and why did he ship it to his office? The book? "How To Lose Weight By Having Sex". True story.

I have had many e-mails about Pamela, she seems to strike a nerve. Tonight a friend and I bought her out to Starbucks and spread the word a bit. My friend has also fallen for this beauty, seems most people start picking out a spot in their home for her and running an inventory of possible trades in their head.

Thanks again for all of the kind words and great e-mails and offers. I feel like I am truly expanding my Universe just a tad, day by day, and I'm glad to have you all in it. Keep the notes and offers coming and spread the word!
Alan Mizell
Houston, Texas USA
I am thinking that Pamela looks okay on your mantle....but she would look like a superstar in my home ;))
I will trade for the rocky horror script so 80's lol
No, thanks, Alan. Good luck in getting something you actually like. I have too much stuff already, and the prospect of acquiring something I'm indifferent to strikes me as exactly the opposite direction I need to go in. I need to divest!
Hi Alan,
Well, you must imagine my excitement this morning when the postman delivered a package to me. I joyfully cut open the package...and found beautiful and comfortable wrapping inside. I waded through the pretty paper and soft, warm blanket to find my prize...my Five Red Dice, beautifully wrapped with a bow!! I spent took a moment to enjoy how thoughtful you were in preparing this treasure for their long journey. Then I couldn't contain myself any longer and ripped the paper open, to gaze longingly at the little fellas. There they were...all five of them in their little bed. I was delighted!
You can just imagine how tired they were after their long journey, so I put them to rest by my computer where it was quiet and a nice cool breeze was blowing in. We're having a Welcome party for them tonight if they're up for it...if not, tomorrow. We have a big week planned for them.... Of course, I'll take pictures and send them to you.
I can't thank you enough. I see why it was so hard for you to let them go. They're wonderful! Rest assured, I will take very good care of them. I'm glad you started this up...what fun!!!!
Grateful and humbled,
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